Présentation Section Internationale

What is an international section ?

An international section offers two subjects taught at a first language level in addition to the regular French curriculum. According to the French Ministry of Education, the purpose of an international section is to « favoriser la transmission des patrimoines culturels des pays concernés. »


What is the Section Internationale, Collège Pasteur ?

Created in 2002, the Section Internationale is a British international section for bilingual students. Based in the French public schools of Collège Pasteur and Lycée Corneille in La Celle Saint Cloud as well as Collège de la Quintinye in Noisy-le-Roi, the Section is managed by a ‘Loi 1901’ parents’ association. The teachers are native English speakers who did their training in English-speaking countries. For more information, see



How does the Section Internationale work ?

Section Internationale students attend French classes according to the French national curriculum. However, instead of the « Langue Vivante 1 » language requirement, the students have four hours a week of English Language and Literature. They also have History and Geography in English, which adds two hours to their weekly school schedule. Drama presentations, trips and other extra-curricular activities round out the programme. Admission to the Section Internationale involves passing an entrance test the preceding academic year:



What are the objectives of the Section Internationale?

The Section Internationale aims to enrich students’ education by providing them with a bilingual, bicultural approach to their studies. The focus is on enabling each child to achieve his or her potential in English, in tandem with and complementary to their French national curriculum studies, equipping them with the necessary skills to succeed in a global society.


Strong emphasis is placed on supportive relationships among the teaching staff, students and their families in the belief that a positive environment brought about by mutual support and respect is essential to ensuring students’ well being. In order to keep fees as low as possible, parents are invited to participate as volunteers for administrative activities and event organisation.


At the end of 3ème, the final year of collège, all students sit the Diplôme National du Brevet. Students in the Section Internationale also sit oral exams in English and History in order to obtain mention internationale on their brevet diploma. Many of them continue their lycée studies in an international section, where they can prepare the French Baccalaureat, option internationale (OIB). Former Collège Pasteur Section Internationale students have gone on to pursue university studies in the UK, Ireland or North America as well as France.